Friday, May 17, 2013


Whenever I open blogger to make a post, the only content that ever comes out is baby stuff. Although that is what's on my mind 90% of the time.... This is what's in the other 10%...

My dogs in their natural habitat. Leia perched on the couch. Luke standing guard in the backyard. I just love my babies.

My honey had flowers sent to me at work in celebration of receiving my certification from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association! I just love that guy.

This is my office after giving attempting to give a really involved, complicated language test to a 3 year old who did not want to be given a really involved complicated language test. I just love my job!!

My best friend and I during her last visit, because I miss her so much! I just love that girl!

So when my headspace isn't consumed by baby plans.... My thoughts are typically there!

But speaking of baby plans... It's a no-go for this month, as I started my period last night.

Big WOO HOO for my body doing what it should do, naturally...

Big BOOOOOO for my body not getting pregnant instead.

Just have to be more diligent in our efforts =]
(Sorry Mom and MIL... )

We're off to a Rangers game today with two good friends... Hopefully they win so Husband doesn't have to pout the whole ride home...

Then a 5k tomorrow! It's called Run for a Reason and this is the first annual. My personal trainer started it and I'm really excited to see the turn out! We are all supposed to write our reason for running (or working out) on our arm... I still haven't decided what mine is... But I guess I'll have to know by tomorrow! =]

Have a good weekend!


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