Monday, June 25, 2012

Update: Moving!

Wow, can't believe how much has happened in the past month. As I said in my last post (which was so long ago you probably forgot!), I was offered an incredible position at a rehab center about 15 miles south the OK/TX state line (about an hour away from my parents' home and a little more than an hour from BDR's parents' homes). We were concerned about what to do regarding where we would live. We initially wanted to move closer to my hometown, where I thought I would be working. But since my new job is an hour away from there, we prayed on it and decided the best decision for us right now is to take a leap of faith and relocate to Texas. As a die hard, through-and-through Oklahoma girl, it was a shock to the system and pride to say "I'm moving to Texas", but the blow has softened with time and now I couldn't be more excited!

Two weeks ago, we put our home on the market. So far that's been our biggest worry, because no one has even come to tour the house. It's been pretty discouraging, but I know God is just preparing the right people/person to purchase our home. (Praying for patience on my part, though!)

Last week we put an offer on a home in the town I will be working, and it was accepted the same day (with some minor adjustments)! Overall, we looked at about 7-8 homes... But as soon as we saw this one, we knew it was perfect for us. It truly is our dream home, and we have no plans to move again anytime in the foreseeable future. Really, it's only flaw is that it's not as close to our parents' homes as we wanted... And despite that being a huge flaw, we're just going to have to learn to live with that. It is a great fit for us and the family we hope to have some day! Plenty of room for growth, and we couldn't be more excited!!

I will be starting my new job any day now. In speech pathology, your first year is what's called a "certified fellowship year". You practice under the advisement of a mentor for so many hours before you get your actual certification. In order to do so, you have to have a temporary state license by the Board of that particular state. I applied for mine two weeks ago and my license numbers just came in! That means that I can start working anytime. I can't tell you how thrilled I am about getting started. My mom and husband both were able to meet my future supervisor at work, and my mom was able to meet my mentor... And everyone has been so friendly and helpful. I just truly feel like this is where I'm meant to be!

Now we just need to get our pesky house sold! We close on the new house in mid-August, so we're really hoping to at least have an offer in on this house by then. Prayers are welcomed, if you have some to spare!

Sorry I haven't been updating as much. I have had plenty of time, I just haven't been staying up-to-date with blogging at all. Hoping that one day things will come into a new "normal", but for now, I have no complaints!

Hope you're all doing well!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Let Go, Let God

As you know if you've been reading UE for any length of time, I recently graduated from graduate school and have been looking for employment. A couple of weeks ago, after finding out again that I didn't get a job I was hoping for, I hesitantly turned in my resume to a job out-of-state (about 15 miles south of the OK/TX state line). When I received a call from the recruiter for this job site within the hour, I was none too pleased to answer. I had no interest in working out-of-state and really only submitted a resume to feel like I was making an effort, and as a last resort. The recruiter passed my resume on to the company's PR person and said they would be contacting me soon about an interview. Seeing as I wasn't interested in the job, I put it out of my mind. Last week, the director of the speech path. department called me to schedule an interview. I debated whether or not I even wanted to meet these people. Why would I go on an interview for a place I had no interest in working? But the woman I spoke with on the phone was unbelievably friendly, and really had me looking forward to meeting her and seeing the facility.
So last week I drove an hour and a half to interview with her, see the facility, and meet the staff.

I was overwhelmed.

Not only was everyone incredible warm, friendly, and inviting... They were knowledgeable, as well, and the facility was unbelievable. I've never seen a rehab center like this one. They work together so well and everyone really enjoys being there everyday. In fact, my interviewer asked multiple people "What can you tell Kaycie about working here?" and, I'm not exaggerating, every one of them said the same thing: "I absolutely love it and wouldn't want to work anywhere else." To put the icing on the cake, I found out towards the end of the interview that a majority of the folks working there are active Christians, and they frequently pray and fellowship together.

I was blown away.

Even more so when, after a two and a half hour long interview (that felt like 30 minutes), they offered me the job on the spot.

I told them that I was very interested, but had another interview the next day at a place in my hometown (where BDR and I were hoping to move). I told them I would let them know by early next week what our decision was, after we talked/prayed about it.

By that night, after I talked with Husband and my parents about it, I knew I didn't need to take the next interview... I knew that I had found the place God had been pushing me towards. So I called the morning after my interview and accepted their job offer.

I hadn't wanted to even submit my resume.

Now I realize I didn't want to submit it because what if I liked it? That would mean possibly moving to another state, and I never wanted to do that. I was afraid. Afraid to trust God's plan, afraid to do something new, afraid to make a big change, afraid... to let go.

I don't know what the next step is for us. We're certainly moving, but God hasn't made it clear exactly where to yet. Possibly my home town. Possibly a town closer to where I will be working.

Nothing is clear yet, except one thing:

Source: via K on Pinterest

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