Breakfast: eggs
Mid-morning snack: NONE
Lunch: salad, an apple, and a pear
Dinner: fried rice, rice noodles and beef and broccoli
Dessert: Reese's egg
Wow, what a nice way to end the week!
- I finally, after what feels like an eternity (okay, maybe only a couple months) of entering blog contests/giveaways, WON a $100 credit for from Young House Love!!!! I opened the email in the middle of class and I almost blurted out a combination of "WOO HOO!" and tears of joy! I've never won anything like this, so this was, like... The surprise of a century! Not to mention that when I read about the giveaway on the blog, I actually went to WallQuotes and picked out a few decals I loved. I guess when you prepare your field to receive the rain...
- Then I got to have lunch with an old high school friend of mine who I haven't gotten to catch up with since a year or so before the wedding. It was so nice to sit with her and chat like we used to just a few years ago at Cameron(although it seems like much longer). I missed her friendship, and it was great to catch up. Even if, the bittersweet reality of the situation is that we will likely see each other even less now that she's graduating in just a few weeks. It's nice to know that some friendships can pick up where they left off, even if you don't talk in years.
- Braylen has the day off, so we went out to dinner together (surprise, surprise). We ended up going to our favorite Chickasha Chinese place and I ate the heck out of some fried rice. Gahhh it's just so tasty!!
- Before eating we went to Cato's to spend the $60 gift card I won through the Biggest Winner competition we participated in earlier this year. I bought 2 shirts, slack capris, jeans (for $7.99!), and a necklace. Then (on top of that!) after dinner we went over to Maurice's so I could get a few more of the camisoles I bought last week with Robin. She had spent enough at our last trip to earn several of the Hip Chips (which give you 20% per chip per item) and punch through a whole punch card, and she graciously decided to give me the filled out punch card and 7 of the Hip Chips. When we got there today, much to my surprise, I learned that the Hip Chips expire on May 1st... So of course I had to do more shopping to get the discounts before they expire!! I bought 2 camisoles, 2 cardigans, and 4 shirts. One of the shirts I bought there didn't end up fitting once I got home (I had picked it up after I finished trying on everything else as we were on the way to the counter... Didn't feel like turning around and trying it on) so I gave it to Beki. I am so pumped about getting new clothessssss!! The only thing I'm not as excited about is the fact that, although I can now buy some shirts in large instead of XL, my pant size hasn't change. Which means, I'll have to buy all new clothes (at least pants) in a few more months. That is definitely not exciting, considering my little wardrobe expansion today cost me nearly $200, but I guess, at least, I'll be buying new clothes for good reason!
- I got together with a friend after leaving Maurice's to work on a project for school. Despite getting off to an extremely rough start (i.e. having to start over after working on it for two hours and then her having to clean the feces her gorgeous toddler lovingly spread throughout her room) we actually we able to get it done! This is definitely a relief going into the weekend... I was sure I'd be working on it for much longer than just a few hours!
To document the happiness of new clothes, I had Husband take my photograph. (Sigh). We kind of need to work on his picturing skills. (Note: I typed "picturing" fully expecting I would have to click "Ignore Spelling" when it told me it was a bogus word. However, apparently "picturing" is a legitimate lexeme [which I just looked up as an antonym for "word" because I sometimes like to use obscure words to make myself sound intelligent] End note.) Anyways.... Boy doesn't take good pictures.
Or maybe I don't take good pictures?
You decide...
Kinda Blurry. Not smiling enough. |
Even more blurry. Smiling way too much (ignore the double chin). |
The blurriest. What's with my head being cocked? |
Weird lighting (not Braylen's fault). My face looks awkward (wth else is new?). |
Okay well I guess it's decided... I should never ask Braylen to take my picture again. And I should never request to be the sole focus of pictures again. Damnit. This really ruins my plans to be an international bikini and Victoria's Secret supermodel.
What will I do with my life now?
'Night y'all!
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